Teresa Orlando

48 Articles

Lower Back Misery: Understanding the Root Causes

Tags: 7 Min Read

Lower back pain is an ailment that plagues individuals worldwide, leading to significant absenteeism from work and disability. According to a 2020 study, it stands as the most common cause of absence from work globally and the primary source of disability. This pervasive issue underscores the importance of

Why Are Your Feet So Swollen? Common Causes Revealed

Tags: 10 Min Read

Swollen feet can be a frustrating and uncomfortable experience, but understanding the underlying reasons can help you take the appropriate steps to manage the condition. From minor issues like hot weather or pregnancy to more serious health concerns such as heart disease or blood clots, various factors can

10 Natural Diuretic Foods That Flush Out Water Weight

Tags: 7 Min Read

In our quest for health and well-being, the balance of fluids in our bodies plays a crucial role. Excess fluid retention can lead to various health issues, affecting millions of people worldwide. To manage this, diuretics, substances that promote urine production and help the body eliminate unwanted fluids,

Gut Health Boosters: Exploring the Top 10 Probiotic Foods

Tags: 11 Min Read

Incorporating probiotics into one's diet is becoming increasingly recognized for its many health benefits. These living microorganisms, when consumed, offer a wealth of advantages for both the mind and body, such as enhancing digestive health, reducing symptoms of depression, promoting cardiovascular wellness, fortifying the immune system, and potentially

Eating Right for a Healthy Colon: Discover the Cancer-Fighting Foods

Tags: 8 Min Read

Colon cancer, a type of cancer that affects the large intestine or the colon, is among the most common cancers worldwide. The colon is a crucial part of the digestive system, responsible for processing waste for elimination from the body. Abnormal cell growth in the colon lining can

Your Gut’s New Besties: 10 Diverticulosis-Safe Eats

Tags: 10 Min Read

Managing diverticulitis, characterized by the painful inflammation or infection of the diverticula in the intestines, is no small feat. Especially prevalent among older adults, the transition from symptomless diverticulosis to full-blown diverticulitis can be abrupt, bringing with it significant discomfort and a host of digestive issues. The dietary

Healing Foods for Diverticulitis: What You Can Safely Eat

Tags: 9 Min Read

Diverticulitis, a condition marked by inflammation or infection of intestinal pouches called diverticula, presents a significant challenge to the digestive health of many, particularly in older adults. While the presence of diverticula (diverticulosis) is fairly common and often symptomless, the onset of diverticulitis can lead to intense abdominal

What Foods Help Prevent & Fight Lung Cancer?

Tags: 7 Min Read

Eating well isn't just about keeping your waistline in check. It's a foundation for longevity and health, shielding you from heart disease, diabetes, and even certain cancers, such as lung cancer. The real magic lies not in supplements but in the nutrients from our meals. Particularly, a plant-rich

Iron-Deficiency Anemia: Recognizing the Symptoms

Tags: 9 Min Read

Iron deficiency occurs when your body doesn’t have enough of the mineral iron, leading to anemia. This condition is characterized by a lack of hemoglobin, a crucial protein in red blood cells that transport oxygen throughout your body. When there’s insufficient hemoglobin, your body’s tissues and organs don’t

10 Telltale Signs & Symptoms of Iron Overload (Hemochromatosis)

Tags: 9 Min Read

Hemochromatosis is a condition marked by excess iron accumulation in the body, leading to potential organ damage. The human body cannot remove excess iron, resulting in its storage in vital organs like the liver, heart, and pancreas. This can cause significant organ damage and other severe complications. Despite

Signs and Symptoms of Hypoxia

Tags: 10 Min Read

Hypoxia is a condition not widely understood by everyone, yet it touches on the essence of survival—breathing. It occurs when the body or a region of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen supply. Understanding hypoxia is crucial, not just for medical professionals, but for everyone, as early

Hypoxemia: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Tags: 9 Min Read

Hypoxemia is a critical health concern characterized by lower-than-normal oxygen levels in the bloodstream, which can have profound implications if not addressed promptly. Symptoms such as headaches, difficulty breathing, an accelerated heartbeat, and a bluish tint to the skin signal the body's desperate need for oxygen. This condition

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No More Night Noises: Natural Ways to Stop Snoring

8 Min Read

Snoring, a disruptive nocturnal symphony, affects countless individuals worldwide. While it may seem harmless, this audible phenomenon can be a symptom of underlying health concerns. Addressing snoring not only promotes restful slumbers but also safeguards overall well-being. By exploring natural remedies, we can journey towards quieter, more rejuvenating

Lower Back Misery: Understanding the Root Causes

7 Min Read

Lower back pain is an ailment that plagues individuals worldwide, leading to significant absenteeism from work and disability. According to a 2020 study, it stands as the most common cause of absence from work globally and the primary source of disability. This pervasive issue underscores the importance of

Why Are Your Feet So Swollen? Common Causes Revealed

10 Min Read

Swollen feet can be a frustrating and uncomfortable experience, but understanding the underlying reasons can help you take the appropriate steps to manage the condition. From minor issues like hot weather or pregnancy to more serious health concerns such as heart disease or blood clots, various factors can