Tag: atrial fibrillation

Nutrition Strategies for Atrial Fibrillation: Key Nutrients and 10 Beneficial Foods

Tags: 9 Min Read

Have you ever wondered how the food you choose to eat can play a role in the rhythm of your heart? Let us take a deep dive into the world of Atrial Fibrillation, or AFib— a condition where your heart dances to its own irregular tune. But here’s

10 Foods to Avoid Eating with Atrial Fibrillation

Tags: 7 Min Read

Living with atrial fibrillation (AFib) is managed not only by medical treatments, surgery, and other procedures. But, also by lifestyle changes, particularly in terms of your diet, to handle this condition effectively. AFib occurs due to irregular heartbeats within the upper part of your heart that receive blood

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No More Night Noises: Natural Ways to Stop Snoring

8 Min Read

Snoring, a disruptive nocturnal symphony, affects countless individuals worldwide. While it may seem harmless, this audible phenomenon can be a symptom of underlying health concerns. Addressing snoring not only promotes restful slumbers but also safeguards overall well-being. By exploring natural remedies, we can journey towards quieter, more rejuvenating

Lower Back Misery: Understanding the Root Causes

7 Min Read

Lower back pain is an ailment that plagues individuals worldwide, leading to significant absenteeism from work and disability. According to a 2020 study, it stands as the most common cause of absence from work globally and the primary source of disability. This pervasive issue underscores the importance of

Why Are Your Feet So Swollen? Common Causes Revealed

10 Min Read

Swollen feet can be a frustrating and uncomfortable experience, but understanding the underlying reasons can help you take the appropriate steps to manage the condition. From minor issues like hot weather or pregnancy to more serious health concerns such as heart disease or blood clots, various factors can